For 5 pieces
- 60g unsalted butter
- 1 egg
- 110g orange marmalade
- 150g pancake mix
<Orange Compote> - 1 orange
- 3 tablespoons granulated sugar ★
- 100g water ★
<Toppings> - Pistachio
- Set the glassine cup in the muffin mould.
- Make orange compote. Wash the oranges well and cut them into 2mm thick slices. Place the orange and ★ in a heat-resistant bowl and heat in the microwave (600w/6 minutes) to remove the heat.
- Put the unsalted butter in another heat-resistant container, wrap it, and heat it in the microwave (600w/about 1 minute) to melt it.
- Put orange marmalade in a bowl and mix well with a whisk.
- Sift the pancake mix into 3, add the melted unsalted butter, and mix with a whisk.
- Pour 4 evenly into muffin mould and place orange compote on top of the dough.
- Place on the included baking tray and bake in steam mode/160 degrees/25 minutes. Top with crushed pistachios if desired.